Mishlove & Stuckert, LLC Attorneys at Law

Mishlove and Stuckert, LLC is the First Law Firm in Wisconsin Able to Recheck Blood Tests

Feb 13, 2014 @ 10:19 AM — by Andrew Mishlove
Tagged with: News

All labs test blood alcohol content by using gas chromatography. This process creates a set of digital files, with a wide set of parameters for the analysis. The parameters include, for example, calibration curves, baseline noise squelch, signal recognition settings and many more technical aspects.

There are two major (and a bunch of smaller) manufacturers of gas chromatographs:

  1. Agilent (used by the Crime Lab)
  2. Perkin Elmer (used by the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene).
Two law firms in America have the capability to re-process, or re-analyze test data from Agilent instruments.
Lauren and I are very proud to announce that we are now the only law firm in Wisconsin that has the capacity to “recheck" blood alcohol analyses done at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, or any other lab that uses Perkin Elmer instruments.
There are over 20,000 blood alcohol tests done each year at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene. The Hygiene Lab uses testing machines made by Perkin Elmer, called Clarus 500's. These machines run on a software package called TotalChrom. TotalChrom runs the whole show, including many different settings that can be adjusted to change a blood alcohol test result.

There is a right way and many wrong ways to format TotalChrom. Our firm, Mishlove and Stuckert, LLC, is the first and only law firm in Wisconsin to acquire the TotalChrom software package. We now have the knowledge, the equipment, and the software to re-check any blood alcohol analysis done at the Hygiene Lab, or any lab that uses Perkin Elmer machines. It’s called "reprocessing;" and, we are the only law firm in our state that can do it on Perkin Elmer tests.

If you have a case with a test done on a Perkin Elmer gas chromatograph, contact us or have your lawyer contact us. We are happy to defend you, or consult with your lawyer.

For more information on the work our firm participated in read the article:

Casting Doubt on the Reliability of Blood Alcohol Tests in Wisconsin with the Jagged Hump