Attorney Lauren Stuckert has dedicated her career to DUI defense because of the fast-paced and scientific nature of the specialty. Every day on the job is an opportunity to develop new and innovative strategies to defend the rights of Wisconsin clients. She considers it a privilege to serve the people of our state alongside attorney Andrew Mishlove.
View transcript
00:00:07.314 --> 00:00:13.171
There are so many wonderful facets
of being an attorney,
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particularly in this type of work.
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I find that every day I'm still learning.
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I may consider myself
to be the best attorney
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equipped to fight these types
of cases along with my law partner,
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but I really am learning.
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Every time I go to trial,
every motion that I attend,
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any type of hearing that I go through,
that I litigate, I'm learning.
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I'm becoming better at what I do.
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I'm finding inconsistencies
that might exist within the law,
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and that's making me better equipped
to handle the next case.
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It's such a privilege to be in a field
where things are constantly changing.
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Science is changing.
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We're always staying on the cutting edge
of the best legal defenses
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that are out there,
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and it truly is such a gift
to be doing this work.
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There truly is never a dull day
in this line of work,
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and I will do it
until they kick me out of the courtroom
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when I'm hopefully a hundred
at the earliest.